Personal data
Date and place of birth: March 12, 1956, Hunedoara, Romania
Romanian nationality
PhD: "Babeș-Bolyai" University, Romania, June, 1992.
MS: "Babeș-Bolyai" University, Romania, June, 1981
BD: "Babeș-Bolyai" University, Romania, June, 1980
Professional history
1996-present: Professor Dr., "Babeș-Bolyai" University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
1993-1996: Associated Professor Dr., "Babeș-Bolyai" University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
1990-1993: Lecturer Professor, "Babeș-Bolyai" University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
1986-1990: Assistant Professor, "Babeș-Bolyai" University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
1981-1986: Professor, "Andrei Mureșanu" National College, Dej, Romania
Current interests
Critical Point Theory and Applications, Nonlinear Analysis, Approximations Theory, Number Theory, Elementary Mathematics (Olympiad and Contests)
Grants, fellowship and awards:
2001-2004: European Network "Geometric Analysis".
1993: DAAD Fellowship, September-December, Techische Universitat Munchen, Germany.
Erdos Number = 2
Visiting institutions
MOSP 2002
Canada - SUA Mathcamp, 2001 - 2005
AwesomeMath 2006 - 2011, University of Texas at Dallas, University of Santa Cruz
University of Nebraska (Lincoln) - AMC (October 2001-January 2002), University of Ancona, Italy (November 1999), University of Heidelberg, Germany (May-June, 1997), University of Utrecht, Netherlands (May, 1997), Fern Universität Hagen, Germany (December, 1993), Middle East Technical University of Ankara, Turkey (July, 1990), Kind Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (2010 - 2012), Columbus State University, Columbus, Georgia, USA (August - December 2014).
Selected publications
D.Andrica, T.Andreescu, On a Diophantine Equation and its Ramifications, The College Mathematics Journal, Vol. 35, No.1, January 2004
D.Andrica, L.Funar, On smooth maps with finitely many critical points, Journal of London Mathematical Society (2) 69(2004), 783-800
Functions with minimal critical set: new results and open problems, "Mathematical Analysis and Applications", Th.M. Rassias editor, Hadronic Press, Palm Harbor, 1999, 1-10.
An inequality concerning symmetric functions and some applications, "Recent Progess in Inequalities", G.V.Milovanovic editor, Kluwer Academic Publiser, Dordrecht/Boston/London, 1998, 425-431 (with L.Mare).
On some consequnces of a critical point result, Korean J. Math. Sciences 5(1998), 129-134 (with C.Pintea).
Other Professional Activities
Member in Editorial Board: Studia Univ. "Babeș-Bolyai"-Mathematica, Bakan Journal of Geometry, Gazeta Matematica, Acta Matematica Apulensis, Buletin of Calcutta Mathematical Society, General Mathematics, Mathematics Education
Co-organizer of the European Summer School "Spaces with singularities and monopols", Cluj-Napoca, 1999
Andrica' s Conjecture
"If Pn denotes the n-th prime number, then for all n greater than 1 the inequality is true:"

This seems to be a very hard open problem in Number Theory.
See for instance the presentation on Wikipedia at the following address:'s conjecture.
Dr. Louis Funar, Institute Joseph Fourier, BP 74 Laboratoire de Mathmatiques UMR 5582, Universit de Grenoble I 38402 Saint-Martin d'Hres, France, email:
Dr. Octavian Agratini, Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Department of Mathematics Cluj-Napoca, Romania, email:
Dr. Fawzi Al -Thukair, King Saud University, College of Science, Department of Mathematics, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, email: thukair@KSU.EDU.SA
Dr. Preda Mihailescu, Institut für Mathematische Stochastik, Georg August Universität, Göttingen, Germany, email:
Dr. Themistocles M. Rassias, National Technical University, Athens, Greece, email: